EMC Electrical Group are fully qualified NICEIC approved contractors, emergency lighting is one of many of the specialist services we provide. EMC electrical group assists commercial businesses in Bristol, South Wales and the South West.
Back to topAs a business, the safety of your employees and customers is paramount. Installing emergency lighting means you can safely evacuate people within the premises in the case of an emergency such as a fire.
Emergency situations can be chaotic and frightening, emergency lighting can alleviate some of this fear by making sure evacuation paths are well lit and easy to follow. This makes evacuating your commercial setting efficient and can reduce injury to those exiting the premises.
Yes, all businesses in the UK must install emergency lighting on site under the Regulatory Reform Order 2005.
Whether you’re a small business operating in an office or your business site is in a much larger industrial unit or warehouse, it is your responsibility to have emergency lighting installed by a qualified electrician.
As a commercial business owner, you should have a fire risk assessment or (FRA). Emergency lighting is a component of your FRA, which identifies that any emergency routes and exits that require illumination are provided with emergency lighting.
Back to topAs mentioned above, emergency lighting can highlight exit pathways but also includes the installation of lights close to fire alarms, fire extinguishers and any other high risk machinery.
EMC Electrical group are experts in the electrical field and suggest that you consider emergency lighting in the areas such as:
Each type of emergency lighting is equally important and needs consideration. Our team of friendly electrical contracts will discuss the type of lighting needed at your premises according to your business and the premises.
There are four types of emergency lighting to consider:
Open area lighting: Emergency lighting needs to be installed in communal areas in case they are plunged into darkness. Emergency lighting will help occupants reach the beginning of an exit path.
Escape route lighting: Ensuring all exit routes are well lit as well as fire exit doors.
Stairway lighting: Lighting must be installed along stairwells to illuminate landings and treads.
High risk area lighting: Occupants using high risk equipment must have adequate lighting to first switch off any machinery before exiting.
Back to topAs part of your regular health and safety routine, once installed, any emergency lighting at your commercial premises needs to be checked and well maintained.
In the event of an emergency, as a business owner or building manager, you need to be confident that all emergency lighting is up to date and working efficiently.
EMC Electrical group work with a number of businesses with a range of settings and have experienced working in busy environments. We aim to minimise disruption to your business and complete all installations as quickly as we can without compromising on quality or safety.
If you require emergency lighting installation for your commercial premises in Bristol, south Wales or the South West, get in touch with our team today.